ltaly, Spain, Portugal Break Daily Solar Generation Records

European solar energy production [GWh]

ltaly, Spain, and Portugal broke daily records for PV generation during the week of May 20, according to analysis from Spanish consultlancy AleaSot Enegy ForecasingThe Spanish and Portuguese markets registered 196 GWh and 21 GWh on May 24, while the liaian market ecorded 142 GWh on Ma 28.These records conriued o achmarket increasing weekly solar energy generation from the week prior, by 27% in Portugal,13% in Spain, and 7.8% in ltaly.
Meawhile,the Geman maket, which broke is dail producton record in the previous week recorded a 7.5% producion decrease for the week of May 20, reversing anupward trend from the last four weeks.
AleaSoft said that electicity prices increased in all major European markets during the fourth week of May which i ttributed to a ise in the average pric
of gas and CO2
emission allowances.Electicity demand also decreased in most major markets last week, with publichaolidays in several of the analyzed counties leadin
to lower labour
The Nordic marketrecorded the largest week-on-week increase n lctrcty pices,up 87%, while the ltaian maret registered the smales increase,upjust0.1%.Despie ths,the Nordic market had the lowest weeky average price forthe second wek ruming, at f2459 ($26.65)Mwh, and te ltaian market had the ighest weky average pic orthe third consecutive week, at 96.18//MWh.

The Belian,British, Dutch,French, Geman,Spanish and Portuguese makets l ecorded weekiy electrcty pice increases. n each of these markets,except he Frenchmarket, weekly average prices stood above 45/MWh.
Al major European electrcty markets,except the British andltlalian markel,reistered negative electicty rices on at least one day las wek The Geman, Belin,Frenchand Dutch markets all reached prices below-E23MWh on May 26, with the Dutch market recording the lowest, at 23.89/MWh.

The Geman market also recorded the highest hourly price,reaching 221.46MWh on May 27 – the highest price in the county since December 2023.During hefral eek of ay,AleaSoft said it expedts electicty prices tofall in France, Spain and Portugal while contiuing to increase in Germany and ltaly.