Shenzhen NOMO Solar Lighting Engages With New And Old Friends At The 135th Canton Fair

Shenzhen,China -Shenzhen NOMO SolrLighting Co. ,Ltd. a leading imovator in the soar lighting industy is xcted to announce is partcipalion in the 135th China lmportand Export Fair(Canton Fair , where it met a wealth of new and old fiends,fostered industy discussions and strengthened business relationships.

NOMO group in the 135th Canton Fair

The Canion Failtk nown as the largest fai of it ond,the Canon Fait povded NOMO SolarLighting with an excllen plaform to showcase is latest solar lighting soludions andenge in meaninguldialoguewith industy peers and potenial partners.The company’s bo.oth at#14.404 was a hub of actvty atracting a steady stream of visitors eager tolearn about NOMO’s sustainable and innovative lighting products.

NOMO group in the 135th Canton Fair

“it’s not only an honour to participate in the CantonFairfor several consecutve years in a row, but also a testament to our commitment to excellence andinnovation,” said Mars.
li’s an opporuityforus to comect with our existing parters and meet new ones as we discuss the future of soa lihing and how we can contibute to a more sustainableworld.”
Duing the erent. NOMo SodarLighing showcsed its prouct range, incuding EoS 20W, which have been designed with both performance and environmental sustainabilityin mind. The company’s commitment to quality and innovation was evident from the interest shown by those in attendance.

Most of the people came to participate in the 135th Canton Fair

The 135th Canton Fair was not only a showcase for NOMO Solar Lighting s products, but also an opportunity to take part in industy discussions.The company’s
representatves actively engaged with other industy leaders to explore new rends, shar nsights and discuss the ctallnges and opportunis acing the soar lghing inoustly”We are grateful for the opportunity to participale in such a prestious event,”Mars continued. “Tthe Canon Fair has heled us expand our network and sta at the forefon findustry developments.”

Introduction of new solar street light products

Athe concdusion of the event,Stenzhen NOMO Solar Lighting Co.,ltd. looks forward to the future collboratons and opportuitie created by paticpating in the 135th CantonFair. The company remains committed to its mission of bringing sustainable lighting solutions to a global market.